I'm a little late in posting this, but the pictures were taken on time! Clark is on the go full time and getting into everything. Most of my kitchen cupboards are tied shut with bungy cords, and the ones that aren't are constantly being emptied. Clark likes to organize and put stuff away, so it is always fun to try and find the things I need. My tupperware drawer is full of cars, the fruit snack box is full of tupperware, the play kitchen is full of (clean) diapers... Don't ask me where my can openers are, because those are his favorite to carry around and put somewhere. Even though he is busy most of the time, he is still a Mama's Boy and always comes back to me for a quick snuggle before moving on to something else. He loves to follow around after his sisters and knock over whatever game they are trying to play. Even though he annoys them to pieces, his sisters still can't get enough of him and are always laughing at whatever he is trying to do.
We love our Clark and are so glad he's been in our family for the last year!
6 years ago