Sunday, April 12, 2009

I'm behind on blogging...

Well, let's just start at the beginning...

This was taken Tuesday night; my 39 week sizing shot. As you can tell, I'm not too thrilled with still being pregnant. I was very ready for it all to be done and over with. So luckily for me, the very next morning...

Introducing Elsie!! She was born at 10:16am Wednesday, April 8th, weighing 7 lbs 10 oz and 20 inches long. She's a bright eyed girl with lots and lots of dark hair. The nurses couldn't take covering up all that hair with a little beanie, so they styled it for her after her bath.

I kinda have this fascination with reading birth stories, so I plan on writing mine out and blogging it, but it'll have to wait for a little bit. For a few more pictures, you can check out my mom's blog. She's staying with us this week, and will probably update with more photos faster than I will. For now, I'll just leave you with a cute video of Alan introducing Elsie to some of the classics. :)

"Mom, I love Bon Jovi!"

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