Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Three Months

I say this almost every post, but Elsie is getting so big! She is starting to laugh and giggle. She loves to sit up and look at the world. She really likes riding in her stroller so she can she look out and kick to her heart's content. She likes to stand up and is getting some strong leg muscles. She's started rolling over, but hasn't done it in a few days because she has discovered her toes. I think she figures its more fun to play with her feet than it is to roll over and get stuck on her tummy.

Here's the rest of the photo shoot. She was such a wiggler!

Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle!

This was a few days ago. This is how Alan likes to play with Elsie sometimes. She seems to enjoys it too. :)

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

That's a darling little baby you've got there.:) Looks to me like she's planning to be a dancer like her mother, and she's not going to wait too long to get started!