Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Sweet Snuggly Girl

This is what Elsie loves to do after her baths. Sit wrapped up in her towel with a sippy and a friend. Not necessarily with a zoned-out expression on her face. That was just because it was Sunday and almost time for church and our ward meeting time just moved to start at nap time, so... yeah. Sacrament meeting is a little rough to get through, but once she's in nursery she's just fine. Elsie is such a social little girl. Loves to be around people and other little kids. She says bye bye and gives us a kiss at the nursery door and then doesn't care that she doesn't see us for two hours. She's pretty independent like that.
Yep, that's my lovable little girl.

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

Hmmmm, reminds me of someone that used to live at my house.... :)