Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Baby Update

I hate pregnancy hormones. I know everything is fine in the rational part of my brain, but then the hormones kick in and I feel like crying anyway...

I had my 28 week check up today. The doctor wanted another ultrasound done this week because the placenta was low at my 20 week ultrasound. They got some good pictures of the baby, everything looks perfect with her, she's a week ahead growth-wise... but I have complete placenta previa. The doctor wants another ultrasound in four weeks, but there is a very slim chance that the placenta will move into a more manageable position.

So what does this mean for me? A higher chance of preterm bleeding. Restrictions on exercise and strenuous activity. A higher chance of bed rest. A 100 percent chance that I will deliver via C-section.

I'm a little upset right now, but I'm trying hard to focus on the positives. Here are some of the good things I can see from this situation:
  • As long as I don't push too hard, I can still go for my daily walks
  • Since I haven't had any symptoms or bleeding, my doctor has cleared me to travel Oregon for Thanksgiving
  • If I have little to no bleeding, I'll have a scheduled C-section around 39 weeks
  • Having a scheduled C-section means I don't have to wait around for spontaneous labor to start
  • I won't even have to go into labor; they will just take her out when she's ready
  • A planned C-section also means we can more easily figure out where Elsie will be able to go while I'm in the hospital
  • With no ripping or episiotomys, I shouldn't be sore -down there-

Trying to keep things in perspective. The baby's healthy, the baby's growing just fine, and we live around really good hospitals. It will be alright.


Dorothy said...

Yes, it will be alright. I've been down a similar path before and learned that the best thing to do is just what you did: count the positives. Go on living a happy life with your family and give thanks for all the good things. Your life is filled with love!

Beth said...

Oh Sarah After two c-sections it not bad...The drugs make you feel pretty good too. ;)