Thursday, November 15, 2012

Painting Pumpkins

This was the fated night I cut my hand, so these pictures were lost in oblivion for a little while. Here is our proof that not all of our pumpkin efforts went badly this year.

The orange pumpkin Alice is painting was grown in our garden. Not bad for a 25 cent seed packet. Elsie picked out her white one from a local pumpkin patch.


Dorothy said...

I love Elsie's smile in the last photo! Their pumpkins look great! And that's a very cool cardboard fort in the background. :)

katie said...

The pumpkins turned out beautifully! What a fun tradition.
And, I am really happy Epic has awesome insurance so you don't have to pay a doctor's bill in addition to your pain and suffering. I feel like paying a bill just rubs it in. phew.