Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Six Months

This little bugger has been getting into all sorts of mischief. We pulled out the old walker, and he loves to cruise around in it. He is getting really good at getting where he wants to go, and he heads straight for the things that he knows will make his sisters squeal. While in his walker he can now pull all of the library books off of the shelf and pull and drag the drawer set by the play kitchen. He is starting to work out how to open drawers and causing all sorts of messes. He is almost getting onto his knees when on the floor. No forward movement yet, but he can twist and turn and get into things that way. He won't sit still long enough to try to sit on his own, so we're still working on that. Last time we weighed him he was 19.5 lbs, and he is still super tall. We sure love our little man!

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