Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Five months

Elsie is five months old today! Her hair is getting so long that if I don't style it it falls into her eyes. I've tried to train it to part to the side, but it still just looks like a comb over most of the time. She is super wiggly and squirmy and still loves to stand up with help. Not crawling yet, but she can defiantly move around. She has figured out how to pull her legs up under her while on her tummy, but doesn't quite have the arms going yet. So every time she tries it she ends up face planting into the ground. She tries really hard to sit up, but is still working on her balance and getting stronger stomach muscles.
Everyday I'm struck with how much I love this little girl!

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

We are in love with her, too. She's a lucky girl to have such wonderful parents. :)