Friday, March 5, 2010

Thursday Flowers Week 4

This week was Japanese designs. It has three lines, straight up representing Heaven, straight out representing Earth, and in between Heaven and Earth representing Man. It's all stuck in some floral foam and floating in water.
Here's the view from behind.
And from above.
And this. Can you believe it was around 50 degrees yesterday morning? It started out as a beautiful day, then a storm hit and it has been blizzarding since about 2pm yesterday.
And here's my little Muppet this morning, just because she's cute.


Dorothy said...

Nice arrangement, Alan! You might be able to teach me a thing or two!

Sorry about the blizzard. Come visit me! I'm liking the sunshine and flowers over here.

Good thing little Muppet has a comb...looks like she needs it. :) Wish I could give her a hug and kiss those little cheeks! You'll have to do it for me and tell her it's from Grandma. Love ya!

Dorothy said...

Looking again (yes, you know I look at things more than once!) it occurs to me that the way you placed your floral arrangement and the two photos near it are significant. Nicely done. :)