Saturday, October 30, 2010

More pumpkins and a little ladybug

Elsie's costume has a cute little hood with bug antenna on it, but she hates it and won't keep it on her head. So I had to settle for trying to make her hair look like little bug ears.
We met up with Parker and Brandon and went trick or treating at the office of Alan's summer job. Once Elsie figured out that everyone was giving her candy to put in her bucket, she had a good time. My favorite moment is when Elsie saw one guy in a scary skull mask. All the other kids were hanging back and shying away, but Elsie marched right up to him with a big "Hi!" and then stood there jabbering away to him.
Brandon is still a new walker, so Elsie loved holding his hand and helping him walk.

We finally gutted and carved our last pumpkins. Here's Alan's creation...
And this one is mine.

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

Awesome pumpkins and an adorable ladybug to hang out with. What a fun Halloween. :)