Monday, February 21, 2011

Sweet little face

Poor kid is having a rough time with life right now. There is some major diaper rash that we are fighting right now and she's stuck in the middle of it. After her bath this morning we laid her down on a medi-pad without her diaper on to try and help speed the healing. She seemed to enjoy being naked and free, we just had to keep warning Elsie to stay away because she might get sprayed.

We're still having a hard time getting Alice to go down at night. I know I should give her break, she is only 3 weeks old after all. She tends to have a nice long fussy period right after Elsie goes to bed that's filled with gas and poop and other such pleasant things. Once that's over, she sleeps pretty well, but getting to that point is rough for us all. Alice is still sleeping in our room because I don't think the constant up and down she does before finally going to bed would be very good for Elsie who is trying to sleep in her bed a few feet away from the crib. I really want my room back, but I think I need to be patient a little longer.

Elsie's favorite things to do right now are color and play plants vs zombies with me. She likes to get her mouse (an old one not hooked up to anything), sit on my lap, and yell "Zombies!! There!! There!! Yay Mommy, did it!". It's very exciting.

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

Wow, she's grown since I was there! Even her hair is getting long already. :)