Monday, October 31, 2011

My little girl is growing up...

Elsie had her first haircut on Saturday. I have been putting it off for months, but it just needed to be done. It was so long and getting to be a big hassle to style and take care of.
 I may have cried a little bit as I took the first couple of snips...

 Elsie was very good about sitting still and letting me work. She is used to holding still while I do her hair, and this wasn't any different.
 Elsie was excited to watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse during the whole thing. I just had to watch out for the Hot Dog Dance; Elsie always likes to dance along.
 "What's this, Mom?"
 The finished product. Her hair is a lot shorter, but it looks healthy and light.
 My little girl suddenly looks so much older. I still get a shock every time I look at her and realize half her hair is gone. I'm happy with how it turned out. It looks very cute, I just have to get used to it.


Jessi Pierce said...

I love her hair! It looks great!

Katie Lewis said...

It looks SUPER cute. Great job, Sarah!

mkmk86 said...

It does look really cute! You did a good job!

Kathy Haynie said...

What a great haircut - you are a pro, Sarah.