Saturday, January 28, 2012

Twelve Months

One year old today! How did that happen? Alice's walking has taken off today. I guess she decided that she's one year old now, and one year olds need to walk everywhere. She is crossing the entire room to get to where she wants to go before falling down and crawling. She has a total of nine teeth with a tenth about to pop through any day. Four on bottom, three on top (with one on the way), and two back molars on the top. She is in a hurry to get teeth so she can eat all the yummy food we have. She still loves to eat and out eats her sister at every meal. She has developed a very diabolical laugh and will throw her head back and cackle like an evil genius when she thinks something is silly. She is still very loud and likes to speak her mind. She can say Mama, Elsie, hi, uh-oh, and a mimics a lot of our words.

We love you Alice! We're so glad you came into our lives one year ago!


Dorothy said...

Hooray for Alice! Happy Birthday!!

katie said...

What a beautiful little tribute. She certainly is a sweetie!