Friday, December 19, 2008

This and That

The kid is growing in leaps and bounds. She's measuring 1 lbs 10 oz right now, and my due date was bumped up to the 7th of April. At least its moving in the right direction. She is supposed to double in size again this month, so that should be interesting... I already can't see my feet, so double that will I'm getting a little worried that she's taking after Alan's side of the family. Alan and his brothers (excluding one) were rather hefty babies, always around 8-9 lbs. That's a big kid to come out of a not so big place.

This is my last month in the second trimester. That's a little weird to think about. I haven't had too many problems this trimester. Its been pretty nice. I still get a lot of hiccups. That's my unique pregnancy symptom. I get really big, squawking hiccups, but only one or two at a time. The nurse chocked it up to pressure pushing on my diaphragm. Alan just thinks I sound like a bird a laughs. Oh well. Still, for the most part, it hasn't been that bad.

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