Thursday, December 16, 2010

Children's Musuem

I think I might have posted way too many pictures... Oh well. We had a lot of fun at the local children's museum this weekend. We met up with Cathrine and her two boys and the kids had a blast.
Elsie loved this thing. Alan and Elsie would fill up a bucket of balls, then Alan would drop them down.

She didn't really get into the whole playing dress up...
Brandon pushing Elsie. Their were a ton of little cars and bikes, and I think Elsie rode them all at one point.

Putting all the food away that they bought at the store.
Of course, my kid is the one who has to bring a stroller to the construction site...

This car was a big hit. Parker fills up the car...
Then takes Elsie and Brandon out for a spin.

Sadly, this was one of the best shots we got of all three of them...

Everyone is concentrating so hard.

Right before we left, Elsie "wrote" a letter to Santa.

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

Ha! It looks like a happy expectant mommy "filled up" that little car, too! :) You know, Elsie likes strollers so better watch out she doesn't try to load her baby sister (after she arrives) into a dolly stroller and take her for a ride when you're not looking. Just saying...