Sunday, July 24, 2011

When Mommy is away...

I was able to slip away for a few hours by myself on Saturday. I packed a lunch, a few books, a cookie or two, and found a nice, quiet, comfortable spot to relax... It was wonderful. I came home recharged and refreshed, and I found all these pictures waiting for me. I guess Alan and the girls had a pretty fun time too.

I think Alice missed me a little bit. She was just fine when I was gone, but as soon as I got back she started acting very whiny and clingy. It was like she suddenly realized that I had been missing. What a cute kid.


Katie Lewis said...

Good for you to slip away and take a little break! Where did you go?

Also, we really should video chat with the girls again sometime. Or maybe I should just call you. :)

Dorothy said...

Yeah, where did you go?

When I needed to "get away" (and we were very young and poor), my favorite place was the library. It was quiet and I could read all I wanted without anyone else needing me for anything. I made sure to stay late enough so Daddy could have everyone in bed before I got home, too. :)

Sarah said...

I went to Alan's work and curled up in one of their many comfy chairs. It was air conditioned, quiet, and I was allowed to take food in (unlike the library.)