Friday, December 16, 2011

Christmas tree

We have had a Christmas tree up for just about a month and a half now. As soon as Halloween is over, Alan starts pulling out the Christmas boxes and decorations. We started out with just our little tree, but we took advantage of a little Black Friday sale and bought a bigger tree this year.

We have started a new tradition of letting the girls pick out an ornament each year, and these are the ones they picked. Elsie was almost settled on getting a Darth Vader ornament before she saw the Mickey Mouse.  For Alice, we found all of the soft cuddle ornaments in the store and held them up to her. She giggled and clapped and lunged for the monkey, so monkey it is.


Dorothy said...

Great choices, girls!

Katie Lewis said...

Haha. I was actually wondering the other day how long your Christmas tree would stay up this year.

Also, what is the thing on top?