Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Wonder where Alice is?

Chances are she is right here...

We have been going through a lovely separation anxiety phase with Alice. If we set her down on the floor or get more than an arm's distance away from her, she screams bloody murder. The best part of this is not only does it happen all day, but all night as well. We have had quite a few sleepless nights around here trying to get her to go back to sleep. Most of the time she finally collapses out of exhaustion just to start it all back up again in another hour or two. To get anything done around the home I have to strap her in the backpack and wear her around while I use two hands to do everything. My arms are killing me, my back is killing me, I'm tired...

Trying to count my blessings... At least she will still go to Alan and is not fully Mommy dependent. Alan takes over with her as soon as he gets home so I can get a little space to myself.


David Mayer said...

Sorry to hear it Sarah! That clingy phase can be rough, but it won't last forever. Does she have teeth coming in?

Katie Lewis said...

Oh man. That is BAD. As in, super hard. You have 100% of my sympathy.

I hope it gets better soon!