Monday, March 12, 2012

We can be cool parents sometimes

 We started out Saturday morning by going to Costco. The girls were very excited for the samples and they love riding in the double cart seats together. I don't have a picture of us at the store (almost all of these are from my phone...), so here's a picture of Alice showing off her mad stacking skills.
 The girls took a long nap after the store and lunch. We decided that we needed to get out somewhere and run them around. Our thought was that if we wore them out enough they would sleep really well and maybe not be as thrown off by Daylight Savings. We headed out to Alan's work to play.

 Alice started having a melt down, so we found a break room to make popcorn and have some juice. They walked around with cups full of popcorn and they thought is was the best thing ever.

 After a lot of popcorn, juice, and running around, we headed home. While I made a pizza for dinner, Alan and the girls made a blanket fort in the living room.
When the pizza was done, we all crawled in the fort to eat dinner and watch Toy Story. The kids went right to bed after the movie was over.


Katie Lewis said...

All of those things in one day? You guys really are cool parents.

kmcbeth said...

Super cute, what a fun saturday, I wish I could be there to play with you guys. Your girls are so cute, and look like they are a lot of fun too. Sure miss you guys.