Monday, October 1, 2012

Blue Mounds Hike

We went for a hike on Saturday to see the fall colors while the weather was still warm (and the leaves were still on the trees). We headed down the road to Blue Mounds to walk their nature trail.
 Apparently Blue Mounds is the highest point in Southern Wisconsin. They had a little observation tower at the trail head that we climbed to see the view.

 We started out down the trial. It was a gentle hike, not even a mile and a half. This was Elsie's first time hiking (not riding in a backpack) and she did very well. This was our view for most of the hike: Elsie way out ahead yelling "follow me! Follow the Conductor! I'm the leader!"

 Trying to be responsible parents, we gave Elsie a whistle to wear. I explained what it was for and what she should do if she got lost. I asked her to repeat it back to me and she said "I will run and get lost and then blow my whistle". *Face palm*

I sat her down and thoroughly talked her through hiking safety and that the goal was NOT to get lost. That is tough to do with a 3 1/2 year old when all she wants to do is blow her whistle. We finally hammered down two rules: Stay on the trail and Stay with Mommy and Daddy.

 There were a lot of signs explaining the cool geological stuff about the rocks around the trail. We found plenty of "sparkly" rocks to look at.

 The trail started getting a little rough and steep near the end. Elsie turned around and said "Wow, this is tough. Good thing I'm like a Grandpa."
Alan: "How are you like a Grandpa?"
Elsie: "Well, I have this walking stick, and that makes me kind of like a Grandpa."
I don't know where she comes up with this stuff.
 A little picnic lunch back by the car, then we headed home for some well earned naps.

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