Friday, October 19, 2012

National Museum Day

I've been running a sick ward around here this last week, so I am very behind on blog posts. We'll see if I can catch up while the girls are taking a much needed nap...

National Museum Day was a few weeks ago. We printed out our free passes and went to the Children's Museum downtown. We spent a lot of time in the 5 and under area. The girls had a fun time running around trying to see everything.

We finally moved upstairs to see what else the museum had to play with.

This was Elsie's favorite place to play. It was a big glass window with a tray attached to the bottom. There was a lot of paint to use on the window with spray bottles to clean the paint off when they were done. She happily played for a good half hour before deciding it was time to move on.

On the roof was an observation room with a microscope, local fish and reptiles, and a chicken coop.

The girls took some binoculars outside to look around.
Elsie: "I see the capitol building with the gold mermaid on top!"

We stayed until the building closed and they had to kick us out.

1 comment:

Becky said...

Cram in all the awesome Children's Museums while you can! We are trying to soak up all the goodness while they are still young enough to think these places are cool :)