Sunday, October 21, 2012

Playing at the Pumpkin Patch

Our ward playgroup met up at one of the local farms to let the kids play. It was a very cold morning and every one was bundled up.
 They had a lot of different things to play with, but my girls spent most of their time in the Kitty House. They had three kittens running around and the girls loved them.

 The other two kittens were being passed around and tried to escape the clutches of a dozen little kids swarming them, but this kitten sat with Elsie almost the whole time. She loved that kitty, and that kitty loved her. It snuggled up against her and was purring so loud you could hear it over the noise of the other kids.

 See the difference between Elsie's kitty sitting so nicely snuggled up to her...
 And Alice's kitty trying to jump out of her lap.
 Elsie would lean down to snuggle and the kitty would nuzzle Elsie's face. Elsie would give it a kiss and the kitty would look up and lick her face.

 It was so hard to say goodbye to the kitty. Not for Elsie; she accepted the fact that the kitty lived at the farm and was ok with it. But I had to just pretend that I didn't see the "Kitty - $10" sign. I had these visions of Elsie and Kitty growing up, Kitty following Elsie around the house, sleeping in the same bed at night, and being best friends... *sigh* We won't always live in a rental and someday we can have pets (that aren't fish).

 We went on a little hay ride out to the pumpkin patch and picked out two little pumpkins.

 I had packed a picnic lunch for the girls, but it was just too cold to sit outside and eat it. They got to sit in the car with blankets and eat their lunch before going home.

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