Monday, February 11, 2013

Ready to share

A few weeks ago I wrote about a new hobby I was starting. I think I finally have enough of a handle on it that I feel confident enough to share it with the world.

I've started oil painting. It took me a few weeks to gather up supplies, read a few "oil painting for dummies" books, and watch a bunch of Bob Ross videos.

I was already dropping enough money on start up supplies, and didn't want to have the added cost of an easel. They can be quite expensive, especially for a good one. I figured for just starting out, I would make my own. It's worked fairly well so far. On the other side of the box is a little door that I open and put in hand weights to help stabilize it.

Now on to the actual paintings. This makes me feel a little vulnerable putting them out there like this, but I think I'm ready for it. These are uploaded in chronological order from my first painting to my most recent. I don't have names for them yet. That might be something I need to work on in the coming weeks...

This was my first time putting paint on a canvas. It didn't turn out at all like my reference photo, but for a first time playing with oil paints I was pretty proud of it.


Alan affectionately calls this one "lavender field in the middle of a bonfire".  There are little moments that I really like in this one, but over all my color mixing skills need a lot of work.


After the last fiasco, I got serious. I got a few more books and learned a few more brush strokes. I was really happy with how this one turned out.




I got away from mountains for this next one. As most of the painting is some shade of lavender, I learned a lot about color mixing and making slightly different shades of basically the same color.


Finally, this is what I painted today. Every painting I've done Elsie has asked me if I was going to paint a little house in my picture. Today I made a little cabin just for her.


And that's what I've been doing lately. It can be difficult to pull everything out, spend the time on a painting, and then clean everything up with two very curious little girls at my heels, but I've some how managed to get some paint on a canvas.


Meghann said...

You are amazing! 1-23 is my favorite. That is impressive!

Katie Lewis said...

Sarah, these are great! I am totally impressed. And, not that we're voting, but my favorite is the 3rd one.

And score one for Alan. I laughed out loud when I read the part about the bonfire. :)

But seriously, these are great!

Kayie said...

I love them Sarah!! I think you have inspired me to do a little painting. Thanks so much for sharing.

Hannah said...

Absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!!! All of them. Looking at these makes me not ever want to play pictionary with you.

Robert Ross said...

Your happy trees have made me proud. Well done, my good and faithful servant. Now go . . . and paint some more.

Jen said...

Sarah - inspiring! I love when people take time to develop talents... it gives me courage to try to. GREAT job with these paintings.

Deb said...

Those are awesome! I love that you painted lavender fields because I love them so much. I think that you really are inspiring to do this. Thank you for sharing! I can't wait to see more.

mkmk86 said...

Awesome! no need to feel self conscious. :-) I'm impressed with the progress you have made. it really does look like you've been painting for years. I love painting mountains and skys- they are my favorite. I need to get back to painting. oh, I'm curious as to what books you looked at. They seem to be pretty good ones. :-)

Kathy Haynie said...

Sarah, I am so pleased to see that you are developing a talent of your own, even with your busy family...and your services as assistant midwife! Thank you for being brave and sharing your paintings. I am inspired. :)