Friday, October 3, 2008


I have had the worst time sleeping the past week or so. It has gotten to the point where there is only one comfortable position I can fall asleep in, and if I vary from it in any way, I'm up half the night. For obvious reasons I can't sleep on my stomach, sleeping on my back makes everything ache, and sleeping on my left side hurts my lower back for some reason. The only position that works is on my left side, slightly curled with a pillow between my knees, and one arm under my head pillow. If I don't fall asleep fast enough, sometimes even that gets uncomfortable. To quote "The Girlfriends Guide to Pregnancy" :

"Some Stepford Wives cheerfully told me that this was nature's way of preparing me for the sleepless nights that I would experience as a new mother. That's like saying dieting will prepare you for starvation! As far as I was concerned, a nature that was capable of giving chameleons the gift of disguise wouldn't be stupid enough to think that the cure for no sleep was more no sleep."

I'm just under 13 weeks, and its only going to get worse from here...

1 comment:

Beth said...

finding a comfortable position to sleep in only gets harder the bigger ya get