Thursday, November 10, 2011

I should just accept the fact that we live in Wisconsin...

...and living in Wisconsin means there will be snow. My heart sank as the flurries started flying yesterday morning. Elsie was so excited for it. She danced around singing "Snow! Snow! Snowsnowsnowsnow!" and begging me to let her go outside. I remember being a little kid and being so happy when it snowed. Growing up in Oregon meant that it would maybe snow once a year, and then we were lucky if it was deep enough to play in.
 I've really come to hate snow as I've grown up. Actually, I don't think it is the snow's fault. I really just hate being cold. And if there is snow it means it is way too cold outside. *Sigh* I guess I just need to buy some good winter clothes and get over it.
 Anyway, Elsie really wanted to play outside, and I really didn't want to. My compromise was to bundle her up and let her play with the snow that had fallen on our balcony. She thought it was fantastic, so I got to be the Cool Mom and the Lazy Mom at the same time. Sweet deal.
 Elsie thought it was so funny to throw the snow at the window. Alice thought it was so funny to watch her.
 Look how dark it is outside! It was barely five o'clock! I watched, and the street lights came on the other night at 3:40pm. It was a dark and stormy day, but still, 3:40 is way to early for it to be getting dark. When is Winter Solstice again? Can't it come sooner and we can get it over with?
I guess I'll end this whiny post. Most of the snow has melted away, and it doesn't look like it is going to snow again anytime soon. The forecast calls for upper 40's to low 50's the rest of this week. I just need to wrap my head around living with snow...


mkmk86 said...

How are you liking Wisconsin? Obviously you're not a fan of the snow and cold, but how are the people, the town (family friendly?), would you suggest it to anyone else? I've moved around a bit, but always stayed in the west and was just wondering about life a little farther east... Not that we are planning on moving- just wondering ;)and Your girls are adorable!

The Royal Buffington's said...

I'm totally down with whiny posts. I mean, seriously? If we have to deal with ridiculous amounts of snow stop the insanity and abolish Daylight Savings already - we're depressed enough without it getting dark at 4:30!
Anyway, cute girls in snowsuits make up for it!

Dorothy said...

I hear you! Even though snow here in the NW is exciting, my favorite part is looking out the window at it...not playing in it. Brrrr. Of course, bundling up and going for a walk in the snow can be nice...unfortunately, with kids they don't want to walk, they want to play, and that means cold, wet bodies. """shivvvver""" Now that Wisconsin is your home, and winter may be long, you will probably discover admiral coping abilities. Good luck!

Kathy Haynie said...

Winter solstice is December 21. Repeat after me, "Only 6 more weeks and then the days get longer."

How cold does it get? What kind of winter clothes will you need?

Kathy Haynie said...

PS - You could read my latest post and adapt the Whiny Hiker Song to a Whiny Wisconsin Song.