Thursday, November 3, 2011

Maybe it's genetic...

Alice isn't feeling so well. She has had croup for the last week, which means she has been sounding like a combination of an old smoker women and a seal. We went to the doctor today and she seems to be on the downhill slope and feeling better.
Alice, taken a few days ago.

 I only mention it because when Elsie was nine months old, I took her to the doctor for what turned out to be croup. How is it that both sisters contracted croup when they were nine months old?
Elsie, nine months old with croup.

On the upside, Alice's second top tooth finally broke through today (the first one popped out on Halloween). She is a MUCH happier girl now that they are finally out.


Katie Lewis said...


Also, they really do look the same.

Dorothy said...

Actually, it looks like Alice's hair is longer than Elsie's was at the same age. That's definitely genetic! Now that those top teethies are through I'm sure Alice will be healthy and happy in no time at all. Look out world, Alice is ready to take you on!

Kathy Haynie said...

Maybe their immune systems are stressed because of teething around 9 months, which makes them more susceptible to infections like croup? Poor little gal, poor mama and daddy. Oh, I remember those nights of sitting in the bathroom with a croupy baby, while the shower ran full blast on hot, generating steam to help them get to the point where they could go back to sleep. Glad to hear that she's on the mend!