Monday, September 22, 2008

Pregnancy Insanity

That's the 'medical' term for what the increased amounts of progesterone during pregnancy does to the female psyche. In other words, it makes me:
  • Ask Alan at least three times a day whether or not I have taken my prenatal vitamins (always after I have already taken them)
  • Not just experience the misty-eyes-and-a-few-sniffles movie cry, but full-body, uncontrollable racking sobs while watching "Les Mis"
  • Ask Alan a question, then a few minutes later ask him the same question because I've already forgotten what his answer was
  • Have vivid dreams about competing in "The Amazing Race" when I suddenly lose all my clothes and only have a blanket to cover me while living as the only married couple in the Riviera Apartment complex and the Joker is out to get Alan who has just been given the ranking of "Knight"
  • Threaten to throw things at Alan on a regular basis
  • Get so incredibly mad at Alan's computer for restarting in the middle of my "Harvest Moon" game and erasing all my progress that I won't speak to it or even look at it for days

That's all I can think of right now.

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