Monday, September 22, 2008

Sunday, September 14th, 2008

I'm about 10 weeks along now. We made it back to Provo alright, but it wasn't a very fun ride. At least its over with. I've thrown up a couple more times, but things haven't been too bad. It just depends on the day. Some days I'm just fine, and other days my stomach is churning so bad I can hardly do anything. I'm really ready for the first trimester to be over. I finally have insurance now. I'm on the Baby Your Baby program until Medicaid comes through. I have a pre-doctor's appointment (with just the nurse) tomorrow, and then my first appointment with the OB on the 2nd when Alan can go with me. I had to make some compromises, and so the doctor I"m going to see is a guy. But I liked his credentials, and he looks like he's nice from his picture. And he's with the American Fork hospital, and they have really nice facilities. And I know that if I don't like him, I can always change and find a different doctor. Alan and I have new callings in our ward. We're going to be nursery workers. :) I"m really excited for it. Not only is it a fun calling, but that means I get snack time!

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