Monday, September 22, 2008

Saturday, August 2nd, 2008

Pregnant?!? I've been feeling a lot...different lately. Instead of my normal endometriosis pain that just pokes and pinches really hard in certain spots, its been a dull ache and a feeling of tightness in my whole abdomen. I've had to pee a lot and whenever I get hungry my stomach almost hurts too much to eat anything. So I took a home pregnancy test this morning, and it came back positive. I can't say I was really surprised, I kinda had a gut feeling that I was pregnant. I this we were both just really scared when it came back positive. At least I know I was terrified. I'm happy, I'm really happy, but at the same time really scared. We're still kind of denying it. My period isn't supposed to come until Monday or Tuesday, so there is still that slim chance that it was a false positive. We'll test again on Wednesday just to make sure. We've decided not to tell anyone until we're 100% positive that I really am pregnant. It was hard because I talked to my mom and two girlfriends today, and they all asked my "if I thought I was pregnant" or when my period was due. I wanted to tell them so bad, but I held my tongue and I didn't...

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