Friday, May 20, 2011

Bike ride

I know it's a really bad photo... It was taken from my phone and it was almost too bright to see the screen.
I took the girls out for a bike ride this morning. I haven't ridden a bike in almost 4 years. Adding to that a trailer with a 25 lb. kid and a 13 lb. kid means I had a really hard time. We rode to the local store, and I even took the long way to avoid a steep hill*. I still had to get off and push it up a small incline once. I had lost my momentum, and getting starting on even a slight hill with the girls in tow was too much for me. By the time we got to the store my legs felt like Jello. We picked up our few items and loaded everyone back in the trailer. We stopped at a playground for a little while so Elsie could run around, then headed back home.

Bike riding uses so many muscles that I'm not used to using. Hopefully I'll be able to get the girls out and riding around more and build them up a little. Elsie was my little cheerleader. Every time I was pushing hard to make it up a little incline or was slowing down, I would hear a little voice from behind me say "Keep going Mom! You're so strong!" over and over again.

*It's not really a steep hill by Utah standards, or even by Oregon standards. Wisconsin is generally pretty flat...


Dorothy said...

I totally understand about "hills", since my legs are learning about bike riding again after WAY too many years. How fun for you that Elsie is so motivating! :)

Katie Lewis said...

Haha. Regardless of the trailer or the hills, I'm just impressed that you rode a bike at all. And it sounds like you didn't even fall down! I probably would have. Haha.