Friday, May 27, 2011

Taking the plunge

In more ways than one. I have an appointment tomorrow morning to get my hair cut. The stylist I'm going to comes very highly recommended, and I'm willing to go in and say "just cut it off and make it look good". I'll be sure to post before and after photos when the deed is done.

Also, I think Alan and I have finally steeled ourselves enough to commit to potty training...

Yes, I am bribing my daughter with Mickey Mouse panties and I have no shame about it. We are spending our three day weekend kicking off potty training with a three day potty boot camp of sorts. I've read a fair share of potty training methods, and we finally settled on one to try. The basic principle is to let the kid run around half naked and they won't like the feeling of it running down their legs so they'll use the potty. I have no idea if it will actually work or not. Elsie is not a fan of messy things, so my hope is that will fuel her to want to use the potty.

We're lining our floors with every available towel and blanket so as to try and protect the carpet. I have a lot of activities planned to do in the kitchen and bathroom to try and keep her on linoleum as much as possible. It is an intense 3 day plan, and it could very much blow up in my face. If nothing else, I'm sure Elsie will love all the one on one attention we will be giving her, and goodness knows my kid likes to run around naked.


Dorothy said...

Good luck! Remember to treat every accident as just that, and encourage her to try again next time. :)

Kathy Haynie said...

Have fun with the potty training AND the new haircut. I loved your earlier post about being a cool mom. That's a wonderful attitude to cultivate, and it will certainly come in handy during the ups and downs of potty training.

Ricky and Laurie Leiser said...

Thats how I potty trained Hyrum.! It worked for me so hopefully it will work as well.. it only makes sense to me that they wouldn't like the feeling of the urin running down their leg.. I remember the shocked look of Hyrums face the first couple of times it happened to him with a big "uhh oh!" and immediatly running to the restroom to get on the potty.

Becky said...

Having just potty trained Lucy it seems I should have advice...I don't. I completely winged it :)

Good Luck!

(Well, one little bit: Lucy still LOVES to decide who gets to "go with" her each day, by deciding which character hides under her pants.)