We have new callings in our ward. I will be teaching the 12 and 13 year old Sunday School class. The last Sunday School class I taught was in my singles ward the summer/fall before Alan and I got married. The class was full of freshly returned missionaries, so all I had to do was look cute and they were more than happy to try and impress me by answering questions and participating in discussions. My class attendance noticeably dropped once I got engaged...
The teacher I am replacing has been teaching the class for over a year and a half, so I'm a little nervous. My plan is to bring cookies and treats for a while to effectively win them over. That, and be a darn good teacher.
Alan will be working with the Deacons Quorum. Since his job doesn't require a lot of travel like a good number of the men in the ward, they have asked him to go to Wednesday night mutual and on any scouting outings he can fit into his schedule. I guess they figure he needs some male interaction since he's living in a house full of girls.
Alan just received word that the final paper he helped co-author before leaving BYU is going to be published in the RESER 2011 workshop as part of Empirical Software Engineering International Week (ESEIW) 2011. It is titled Design Patterns in Software Maintenance: An Experiment Replication at Brigham Young University. I don't remember what it is about, I just know he worked on a lot of surveys and reworked the data to make it usable. Not bad for an undergrad.
Edit: Alan fixed the links in the last paragraph because I had no idea what they were supposed to be, so my previous links were to the wrong thing...
6 years ago
Hey Sarah that is the sunday school class we teach! The boys definately like the treats.I am sure you will win them over in no time.
I taught 12-13 year olds in SS years ago, too. I think you will enjoy them. Cookies do help at first, but don't let them think it will be a regular occurance. Just surprise them from time to time. :) Is it that same group of boys that Alan will be working with in Mutual/Scouts? That can be an advantage if you both get to know the same guys!
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