About an hour or so after going to bed I woke up with some pretty bad chest pain. Despite popping a few pain meds, it kept getting worse. By 3am I was in agony. I woke up Alice to try and nurse her a little bit while Alan called his brother to have him and his wife stay with the girls. We headed to the ER, and after some high dose pain meds and an ultrasound, they told me I need to have my gallbladder removed immediately.
Emergency surgery was definitely not on my to do list today. I sent Alan home to get Alice so I could nurse her again before they put me under. We're just sitting here waiting for the surgeon to talk to us and waiting to be admitted to the regular hospital (as opposed to the ER). I'm scared. I'm worried how this will effect my milk supply and nursing Alice. I'm nervous about the recovery.
Alan gave me a blessing and now I have a content sleeping Alice snuggled up with me. It won't be fun, but I'm confident everything will be alright.
6 years ago
You are right. It won't be easy, and it won't be fun, but it WILL be alright. My prayers are with you...and Alice. :)
What can we do to help you guys out? Would you like a dinner, need help with chores, and/or need an evening of babysitting?
Oh poor Sarah! I know what the surgery feels like- I had mine out a year and a half ago- but I didnt have any kids to go with it. I'm going to text you now though... Love you!
Hey, I just had my gallbladder out Jan. 19th. Recovery for gallbladder surgery is pretty quick.. you will be in pain obviousley from having had surgery, but it shouldnt affect your milk supply at all unless you will be taking pain killers that you dont want to give the baby.. I was only 'down' for about 2days.. it will hurt getting to a sitting up position. but things should move along smoothly and get easier each day.. id immagine you might want to prefect a football feeding hold for the right breast until you incision areas feel better..
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